Today is the babies' birthday. In the last few days, I've spent several periods of time sobbing uncontrollably and watching home videos of them.
This is not an exaggeration, like you might think. Seriously. So many tears.
They're twelve months old. Twelve months. AN ENTIRE YEAR.
That Dreft commercial that says "You'll have a child forever, but a baby for only a year" came on while Travis and I were watching something on Hulu and we had to pause our show so I could spend a few minutes weeping on to him and gasping things like "Our babies are *gasp* a year old! *sob* They're not *gasp, sob* babies anymoooooooore."
Sadly, the boys are both sick, (Seriously, my kids are always sick!) and they were up all night. So despite my plans of adorable birthday pictures... I ended up with a lot of this:
Micah drinking a bottle and Grey crying.
So I have two pathetic babies, zero pictures, and also didn't get any sleep last night. So.
Maybe tomorrow or later tonight I'll manage to get some good pictures and I'll do a good birthday update.
Look forward to that.
Happy Birthday cuties!!
Congrats Mom & Dad on surviving the 1st year!! :)
Happy Birthday cuties!!
Congrats Mom & Dad on surviving the 1st year!! :)
those pictures are still adorable! happy birthday!! and happy giving birth day to you!
I actually love these photos. It shows a different side of those boys, and I think they look very handsome and grown up.
Happy birthday, M+G!
Happy birthday! Hows cloth diapering going? I was thinking about starting cd'ing my lil one is 12 weeks tomorrow..
Happy birthday (not so little) guys! And no worries, I feel like these type of pictures are much more memorable anyways. :)
The pictures are pretty adorable despite the fact that they aren't exactly what you wanted. I especially think the second pictures is so darn precious!
Happy belated Birthday boys!I love the first one and the third one. The third one looked Vogue-ish.
I Looooveee them!
And I loooooooooooove you.
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