I am a very good book re-reader.
I have read the Harry Potter series over twenty times and that (sadly) is not an exaggeration. I know what books I like, so I read them.
Charlotte's Web? J'adore.
Anne of Green Gables? Yes, please.
Something written in this century? No thank you.
So I've been going to this HIGHLY amazing conference this week, which anyone interested in writing (at all, in my opinion, not just writing for children) should attend.
And the speakers (who consist of published authors, editors, and agents) keep referencing books. And they do it so cute. They say things like, "And one example is this great first line, which we all of course have memorized, 'The night Max wore his wolf suit," and I look around at my peers and feel happy inside that we really all DO have that line memorized. Not just me. And not just moms and dads who've read it over and over to their wiggly Wild Things.
And when they refer to characters by their names without telling us the books, or make puns about Vampires, and references to A.A. Milne, I just feel warm inside.
These are my people.
Children's book readers.
But sometimes they reference books and authors I've never heard of or read.
Because I like to read OLD books. And yesterday an author said, "If you're writing a book, you should read 200-300books in your genre A YEAR."
Um, excuse me? What now?
And then she said, "Published in the last two years."
So... The BFG doesn't count?
Yeah. I'm going to start small. I already probably read between 50-100 books a year, but they were all written when my parents, grandparents, or even great-grandparents were children, and many of them are re-reads. I have a seasonal book list that I just cycle through every year.
And I'm not going to force myself to read books from the last two years, but I am going to try to read books published in the last ten.
And I feel like that's a pretty good start.
So I would LOVE some book suggestions, and I'm looking for children and young adult books, but mostly "Middle Grade," if you know what that means. (Middle grade books are like, Ramona Quimby, Age 8, or The Little House on the Prairie, or A Wrinkle in Time or ... pretty much all of the books I already mentioned and pictured. Books for kids who are between 8-12 years old.)
And if you're ever looking for a good book for YOUR ten year old daughter? I've got a-plenty.

They are little bit older age range but I think you would really love the Hunger Games trilogy. Also my son loves the Percy Jackson and the Pendragon series he's 14, I have not read them personally but they are in the YA section. Also in the same Fantasy/Utopian Society type books as the Hunger Games, there is several good series that are within the last two years: Delirium by Lauren Oliver (there are two in the series so far), Matched Trilogy by Ally Condie (third one isn't out yet either).
The Fablehaven series by Brandon Mull is a lot of fun. And my husband started his Beyonders series and likes it, too...I just haven't gotten to it yet.
@Niccki1211 I have read and LOVE the Hunger Games, and I read the first Percy Jackson book, but I've never heard of the other two trilogies. So THANK YOU! I will look them up and read them for sure!
@The Kynastons I read the Fablehaven books over Christmas (my 15yr old bro talked me into them) and I'm buying a copy of the Beyonder's today for my bro, so I'll probably read it before I send it off to him.
In fact, I actually get to meet Brandon Mull today! I'm pretty excited.
Back when I was a middle school teacher (a whole year ago), here are the books my students and I liked to read:
The Outsiders
The Watsons Go To Birmingham
Books written by Chris Crutcher (sports)
Maniac Magee (students' all-time favorite)
The City of Ember
Number the Stars (basically, anything Lois Lowry)
Tuck Everlasting
Love That Dog
To Kill A Mockingbird
Things Not Seen
A Girl of the Limberlost.
Now, these aren't current, but I loved the Trixie Belden books from the 60's. Just good wholesome fun!
Hey Becky, Harry Potter was written in this century, or did you forget that. Even old lady me has read the series 3 times and will probably do it again soon.
Have fun at your conference.
The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate
Gail Carson Levine's books
The Kneebone Boy
The Brixton Brothers series (you would love these, they're mysteries for boys and they're hilarious. Also I met the author and he's very handsome and charming)
I worked at a bookstore and middle grade was my section so I'll try and come up with some more. If you liked Hunger Games (and who wouldn't?) Suzanne Collins wrote another series that is more middle grade based and they're quite good.
The City of Ember book is good too.
Gary D. Schmidt is my favorite recent middle-grade author - Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, The Wednesday Wars, and Okay for Now are his best.
Cinder, by Marissa Meyer. It's YA, not quite MG, but FABULOUS. Futuristic Asian Cinderella story. Really, it's fantastic.
For MG ... Violet Wings, by Victoria Hanley. Very imaginative, very good.
I know I already commented, but I just came across this list on pinterest: http://m.wired.com/geekdad/2012/03/67-books-for-kids/?pid=1185&viewall=true
I'm sure you have read a lot (or most) of them, but I thought there might be a few new ones for you to try. It makes me want to head to the library ASAP! I love middle grade books, too. Have you ever been to the childrens lit conference at BYU? I haven't but my mom has gone every year for as long as I can remember and she loves it.
Ten years is a hard request. I enjoyed Goose Girl and Princess Academy by Shannon Hale, The Hollow Kingdom by Clare B. Dunkle, and The Seer and the Sword by Victoria Hanley.
Without that restraint I'd recommend: Lloyd Alexander (Chronicles of Prydain, The Iron Ring), Louisa May Alcott (An Old-Fashioned Girl, Eight Cousins, Rose in Bloom, etc.), L. Frank Baum (the OZ series, The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus),and Scott O'dell
Becky - PLEASE talk to Will and I. This is what we do. This is the age group that I taught. Will can give you LISTS.
Let's talk!
Love you, love your blog, vote daily.
Anything by Tamara Pierce or Shanon Hale for more girly books.
Fantasy books by Rick Riordon, Brandon Mull or the Artemis Fowl series (don't remember the author). There is the Eragon series, or Leventhumps.
For boys: Magic Treehouse series, or Goosebumps (when they are older).
I see The Graveyard here. I read that, or rather I listened to it on Audible, my new best friend. I can listen to books while I sew. Anyway, I really enjoyed it. Glad you had such a great week! I am excited for you!
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