Me: Because they're boring. I don't care about how fast people can swim.
Travis: But every one in the entire WORLD competes in the Olympics! It's something our entire planet does together.
Me: But it's a contest to see which members of the planet are the best.
Travis: It's about competition! Camaraderie!
Me: I hate competition! And camaraderie!
Travis: No one don't, or you would hate Harry Potter.
Me: But that's a competition between Good and Evil!
Travis: What about the Tri-Wizard Cup?
Me: But you don't care as much about the events in the tournament, you're more focused on what else is going on. Plus, they have magic! They fight dragons!
* * * Several Minutes Go By * * *
Travis: Thanks for bringing this up again.
Me: And it's cool that even countries that are at war with each other come together in peace to play boring sports.
Travis: Why did you bring this up?
Me: There was a really sweet little commercial about this little British kid who loved the Olympics and couldn't wait until they came to London, but then he died of a brain tumor, and his mom ran with the torch for him! *I mime running while carrying the torch, and crying*
Travis: Okay.
Me: It made me cry a little. Sorry you missed that.

Will and you have the same exact feels about sports. You guys should talk. He likes Harry Potter.
I shall forgive you because
A) You have twin boys
B) You have really really cute twin boys
C) You like HP
D) I am nice
I think the Olympics are boring, too, and just another chance for people to prove that they're better than another person or group of people.
Yeah, I don't see the Olympics as THAT special either. I haven't even watched the opening ceremony this year.! But that commercial... I totally cried too!
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