This week in photos is pretty misleading. It looks like every day was spent playing in the snow! When, in reality, we got into snow clothes every day. We went outside where it's freezing. We immediately regretted that decision. And we came back into the house where it's warm.
But it's dark in the house during the winter, even in the middle of day. So we get in our pictures during the few moments of snow-time. I also haven't taken pictures of any food we've eatten or crafts I've worked on. Mostly for the same reason: it's dark! It's too dark to hold photoshoots on my kitchen table, and it's way too dang cold to hold them on my front step.
Ah well.
Tuesday: Running around the mall (we go wherever it's warm!) // Wednesday: Grey is less than thrilled about skiing down the driveway.
Thursday: Sledding with Daddy!
Friday: Micah very graciously offered to shovel the front yard. // Saturday: Oh hey. Still pregnant. 20.5 weeks along.

All the dates on the photos are for November, I'm confused.
Hope you don't mind that I blogstalk you. Anyways, your boys are adorable!
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