This morning is a lovely morning. It's bright and windy outside, my baby is sleeping contentedly inside, the big boys are painting at the kitchen table while I edit photos, and I actually got some sleep last night.
Okay, I didn't get much. August has been so gassy and pathetic most nights this week, crying and grunting if he can't get burps out - but it takes like an hour to burp him! But I've cut out chocolate and dairy from my diet and it seems to have done the trick. Last night he ate at 10:30pm, 2:30am, 5:30am and was up for the morning at 8:30. And each time he just ate for about 15 minutes, burped and then conked out again! Hurray! So I got several two-three hour blocks of sleep, and Grey and Micah kept themselves contented in the living room until 9, when I finally forced myself out of bed to help find breakfast. (But, let's be clear: Travis was the one who really took care of breakfast this morning.)
Mother's Day was lovely and relaxing. We just hung out at home all morning, and then spent the evening with Travis' family.
August had his two-week check-up this week, and he's up over a pound from his birth weight (to 9 lbs 10 oz), which is a lot of weight to put on in just a week! I love having a big baby! His little round cheeks and concerned little eyebrows are my favorite things.
Tuesday: We are really tired over here, but it's hard to get alone time for a nap...
Wednesday: My sweet, sleepy boy in the beautiful cradle that my Grandpa Roger built.
Thursday: Watching movies and playing games. (Also, any suggestions for ABC apps for toddlers?)
Friday: Micah makes a masterpiece. // Saturday: We love visits from Aunt Noelle.

I like the Endless alphabet app
I was going to say Endless Alphabet, too. Malcolm, who is 2.5, loves it. He's started pointing out letters everywhere. He will sit next to me when I'm reading and point out "letter O!" in my book for a good 15 mins
Endless alphabet is kinda expensive but totally worth it! My little guy turned two a couple months ago and knew all of the letters and sounds before his second birthday because of that game. No joke he can read words now. He loves it!! They also have endless reader and endless numbers which are free with upgrade purchase options. We haven't done any of the upgrades so he doesn't play those as much, but he still really likes them.
Also I can't believe how long august's feet are!!
Little magnetic letters and sticky letters for the bath and books and reading.
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