(Micah typed that. He likes to write on the blog.)
Well, it's been over a week since we arrived back home, and probably time for me to stop day dreaming about lakes and get back to my desert reality. I think my little family might have to take a hike in the mountains this weekend, so I can remember to appreciate Utah again. But until then, here are a few SO MANY more pictures from Minnesota. Because our trip was dreamy and perfect and my family is my favorite family. So this is part two. Part one (if you recall) was my Dad's side of the family and wedding festivities.
Part two is our week at the lake house "up north." It was chillier than usual for mid-July, but it was still perfect. In fact, the excess of clouds lent to extra-beautiful photos, so I can't complain.
Hold on to your hats, people. Here's a lot of lakeside:
My handsome brother Jack.
Jack and me behind the boat. Since it was actually a pontoon loaded down with people, we didn't go very fast. Which gave us ample time to talk about girls and stuff.
Micah kept requesting that I take pictures of him with his Grandma Polly (my Mom.)
Beach side. Sandy toes. All perfect.
Fishing off the dock.
Grandma caught a frog! It actually escaped from my hands at one point and hopped right on top of Grey's head! I'm sad we don't have a picture of that.
Just stop.
To my great delight, Travis and Micah (and Grey to a lesser extent) really found a love of fishing off the dock on this trip.
Fishing off the dock is perfect for kids, because all you have to do is cast out, reel it in, and there's almost always a little fishy hanging off your hook. So you take him off, throw him back, and do it again.
Micah shoved his entire sandwich in his mouth before climbing on the tube, and the slow pace was just right for three year olds. They even asked to go faster!
Micah and his Great-Grandpa and Grey and August with their Great-Great Grandpa! Five generations apart!

You really got some beautiful photos Becky!
Gorgeous photos, as always!
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