That is weird, I'm sure, but every time I cook a whole chicken I can't help but imagine that I'm rinsing off, patting dry and seasoning a small child.
Chickens just have little arms and legs, and are the same color as small pink people.
I'm not creepy or hungry for children either. I can't help it!

So yesterday I was rinsing this chicken off under the faucet and holding it's slippery body the same way I might if I were rinsing off a child and I was thinking how heavy the chicken was.
I thought to myself "This is good practice for bathing a baby in the sink," and then I checked to see how heavy my little chicken was.
3.18 lbs.
Which means, he's already smaller than my babies.
Since they're about 2 lbs each. So total chicken weight is about 3/4 of my total baby weight (not including all the weight that isn't actual baby fat).
Next time you see or eat a chicken, please think about how big the babies in my stomach are.
They are very big.
Is this blog post creepy?
YES! You don't have to share EVERYTHING you think!
I wouldn't say creepy, just strange.
Thats creepy.
Grandchild sometimes you express the weirdest things, but we love you in spite of your weirdness.
I think you need to start cooking large turkeys or small whales. Then twin babies won't be a big deal. What? A fifteen pound child? That's nothing compared to the small giraffe I just prepared for dinner the other day!
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