I don't talk about my babies, unless I want to, which sometimes I might. But mostly Fact: it is Friday is when I'm going to maybe tell you something you didn't know about me.
Or maybe a story from my bucktoothed-childhood or bratty teenage years.
Or maybe a story from my bucktoothed-childhood or bratty teenage years.
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned on this blog how I feel about Christmas. (Like {here})
But in case you missed it...
Becky Fact 13: It is September, and I am already in Christmas mode.
All it takes, apparently, is pulling out a quilt for the bed and putting pjs on the boys before they sleep instead of letting them sleep in their diapers.
Because quilts and footie pajamas could only mean one thing: it's getting cold.
And cold = Christmas.
Maybe I've been listening to Christmas music. But if I have, it'sonly mostly the Sufjan Stevens album, and that's hardly even Christmas music.
It sounds exactly like his Seven Swans album (both of which I would highly recommend, by the way.)
And maybe I spend all my free time browsing Christmas boards on Pinterest and sketching outfits for the Nativity toy set that I'm making for my children. (Using little doll patterns from {this} book, and it's going to be FREAKING ADORABLE.)
But you have to get a head start on those things anyway.
And perchance I spend lots of time looking for a new house to move into, but that's because we want more space anyway. It has (almost) nothing to do with the fact that our apartment isn't big enough for a good-sized Christmas tree.
And so what if I happen to have several sketches of possible awesome Christmas card picture ideas in my notebook? That's normal, people.
Normal, I say.
Come out of the closet, Christmas lovers.
Are you out there? Are you preparing for Christmas yet?
Are you checking out books from the library with titles like "A Homemade Christmas?"
Because I am.
Yeah, yeah. I'm thinking about Halloween a bit, too.
But only because I finally have two tiny people willing to let me dress them absurdly. (Tell my husband that he HAS to wear a costume, please. I promise it won't be so bad.)

Fact: I would love it if you clicked below to vote for me:

But in case you missed it...
Becky Fact 13: It is September, and I am already in Christmas mode.
All it takes, apparently, is pulling out a quilt for the bed and putting pjs on the boys before they sleep instead of letting them sleep in their diapers.
Because quilts and footie pajamas could only mean one thing: it's getting cold.
And cold = Christmas.
Maybe I've been listening to Christmas music. But if I have, it's
It sounds exactly like his Seven Swans album (both of which I would highly recommend, by the way.)
And maybe I spend all my free time browsing Christmas boards on Pinterest and sketching outfits for the Nativity toy set that I'm making for my children. (Using little doll patterns from {this} book, and it's going to be FREAKING ADORABLE.)
But you have to get a head start on those things anyway.
And perchance I spend lots of time looking for a new house to move into, but that's because we want more space anyway. It has (almost) nothing to do with the fact that our apartment isn't big enough for a good-sized Christmas tree.
And so what if I happen to have several sketches of possible awesome Christmas card picture ideas in my notebook? That's normal, people.
Normal, I say.
Come out of the closet, Christmas lovers.
Are you out there? Are you preparing for Christmas yet?
Are you checking out books from the library with titles like "A Homemade Christmas?"
Because I am.
Yeah, yeah. I'm thinking about Halloween a bit, too.
But only because I finally have two tiny people willing to let me dress them absurdly. (Tell my husband that he HAS to wear a costume, please. I promise it won't be so bad.)

* * *
Fact: it is Friday.
Fact: it is Friday.
I think you should do it too.
And here are your instructions (not really rules...):
1. Write a fact about yourself.
2. Elaborate.
3. It can be long or short, detailed or not.
4. Don't write about your kids. (Unless you want to. Because, I mean... it's your blog. I can't stop you from writing about your kids.)
5. Link up to this blog, so we can all read some facts, and not feel bad that we dropped out of school to be stay-at-home moms. (Since if we're reading facts, then we are still learning.)
6. You're not a dropout like me? Or a stay at home mom? No biggie. You can still play.
Can't think of what to write? Start like this:
Fact: When I was a kid I was really good at...
Fact: My biggest pet peeve is...
Fact: I have a third nipple.

Yesterday we went to an interfaith choir concert at a Presbyterian church in Salt Lake, and in flipping through the hymnal we found O Holy Night. I almost CRIED I wanted Christmas so badly.
YES! I've been Christmas shopping for 2 months already. Have Christmas projects started, and have also considered Christmas card ideas as well! Love the holidays!
Becky, it's Meriel (Johnson) Aho. Remember me? I have been following your blog (in a non-creepy way) and I love it, and I especially love this post, because Christmas is amazing. And it SHOULD start in October.
P.S. Your boys are adorable, I love all the pictures - they have the most gorgeous eyes! They're about the same age as my Natalie :)
I've been adding more and more artists to my Pandora Christmas playlist. Thanks for the suggestions! :D I've been listening to Christmas for a few weeks now. Check out this Youtube video that got me started: http://www.youtube.com/user/JoyCarlenis#p/a/u/0/VEnAOk9nnNo
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