I've spent hours this last week, pouring over all the pictures and trying to decide which one to print from each season.
I ask Travis (who does not care nearly as much as I do) "Should they all be sitting? Should they all be standing? Should it be a mix of sitting and standing? If it's a mix, should I have two sitting and two standing, or can I have one standing and three sitting? Do I want us to be looking at the camera and smiling in every single picture, or because there are so many, can I have some where we're doing different things? Like playing and jumping? Can you see the boys' faces enough in all of these?"
It's getting out of hand.
I think Travis would agree.
So it's voting time.
And your opinion may or may not be taken into account when I decide which ones to actually print, but here are the options that I think I love. Thoughts?
Option 1: (all sitting)
Option 2: (All sitting, pt. 2)

Option 3: (All standing)

Option 4: (half-standing, half-sitting)

Option 5: (a healthy mix, pt 2)

Decisions, decisions....
A good decision is to click and vote for Baby Making! Thanks!

option 4!! you have really pretty views of the orchard & good up close photos of the 4 of you!
Definitely either #2 or #4--those ones have the BEST pictures of all four of you--so so so so cute! I love #4 because the sitting/standing pictures diagonally really balance everything.
option 4!!
I love options 2 and 3. My favorites.
I like option 4 the best- but they are all gorgeous!
I like option 1 the most, but I guess it also shows the least of the orchard (but the seasons are most obvious). So- I would do option 4 probably.
Option 4!!!
I like 1!
4 or 5. Who cares if your sitting or standing. But I do care if I can see all your faces.
option 4! also they are having a deal for poster prints on this website i just ordered from. I only paid 6 dollars and that was for shipping.
I like option 5 myself :-) Though, they're all pretty darn great if you ask me :-)
3 or 4. I don't like the closeness on the winter sitting pictures. It's off from the closeness on the other sitting pictures.
i like option 2 or 4. but they are all cute!
Number 2 or number 4--I agree with Allyssa that the closeness of the winter sitting is not quite the best.
#4 - I liket the mix between formality and playfulness. This was definitely worth it. So fun. Love ya
I like #1 best, but you should replace the spring picture with the spring picture in #2. If that makes sense.
I like #3 and second runner up for me is #5. Love them.
Option 4 :)
Options 3 and 4 are my favorites.
Option 4. Definitely. But, I also like the combo you have as your cover photo on Facebook.
#4 or #5. I like the mix of close up and farther away. Way, way, way cute idea. Go Becky!
4 has the most visual interest... that's my vote.
3 & 4 are my favorites. I lean more toward 3 because I think the orchard looks best in that series.
I vote 4. Best pictures from all the others!
I'm voting 2 or 5. LOVE the spring picture in 5.
2, 4 or 5. definitely. so cutes! or the spring and summer from 4 with the fall and winter from 5. it's nice when you can't go wrong.
3 or 4! You all are SUCH A GOOD LOOKING FAMILY!
All I can say is...good luck! I vote for all sitting or all standing though!
Option 1 or 4 (4 being my favorite!) they've gotten so big! Love it!
I love #3 & #4! :)
Option 3 for sure!! Adorable! I can't wait to see the finished product.
Loooove your blog. Your boys are just adorable.
Option 4 :) They are all gorgeous though!
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