Wednesday, May 11, 2011

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Tummy Time (sort of)

The boys have mixed feelings about tummy time.
Sometimes they'll lie on their bellies for twenty minutes, smiling and playing and streeeeetching.
Sometimes after about 10 seconds they've had enough and want to be flipped over or picked up
At the dr. on Monday the boys' heads were measured and Micah's head is half a centimeter bigger! BigheadBaby.

I wanted to take some pictures this morning of the boys doing tummy time, but they weren't that interested.
For one thing, they were trying to lift their heads up, but couldn't very well so they were mostly face down the whole time.
For another, I wanted to do tummy time on my bed, which is where the best light is in the morning, but it was too squishy to be fun, they just sank into the bedding.

So I flipped them over and took regular ol' adorable baby pictures.
And I can't say I'm disappointed.
Although I can't figure out why they're so grainy... maybe my ISO was too high after all.

And today is my mother's birthday. I think I've mentioned before how I feel about her?
She's practically perfect in every way.
And I love her. Happy Birthday Mama. (Or should I say Grandmama?)

Here are some things for you to click on:

  We Are A Top Baby Blog 


Polly said...

How can I be making the first comment this post has been up all day! What cute babies! I can't believe how big they are getting. Thanks for the Mary Poppins plug! Love you

Brandii Nicole said...

your babies are too dang adorable!

- brandii

Summer Athena said...

second twin blog of the day! love love.

i was pregnant with twins twice but miscarried. :(

still working on it.

Destiny.Amethyst said...

I adore these photos. They are too stinkin' cute!