Thursday, September 8, 2011

Gunapod Wearable Blanket {GIVEAWAY}

About a month ago I was sent Gunapod wearable blanket. But to be honest, since we were still swaddling the boys it seemed like something we wouldn't ever get around to using.
But when we decided to let the boys cry it out, we decided it was also time to lose the swaddles and I cracked open the Gunapod box.
Travis was pretty certain that an armless sleep sack was useless and kept saying things like "Do they expect you to write a FAVORABLE review or an HONEST review?"
But bedtime came and we zipped Grey into the sleep sack and put him to bed.
By morning Travis was ranting that "we need two sleep sacks!" and trying to figure out how to get a second free one. :)
Grey (who was wearing the sleep sack) had slept an hour longer that Micah, who had woken up naked and cold despite having gone to bed in footie pajamas.  (How does he get undressed so well?)
Grey's legs had been restrained, but arms had been free which allowed him to get his pacifier, stuffed puppy, and to roll over. But the best part was that my wiggly boy stayed warm and safe.
Yes, safe.
Whenever I put them in bed with real blankets I find them sleeping with blankets over their faces, or sometimes even stuffed into their mouths. (Seriously boys? Is that better than your pacifier?)
And it freaks me out big time! But the Gunapod is designed specifically to avoid such problems and help prevent SIDS.
It's pretty awesome.

Which is why you guys are super lucky to (drumroll....) potentially win one for your very own!
Here's how to enter:
First, visit the {Gunamuna Facebook Page} and "Like" them!
Then, if you have a Twitter (and who doesn't, beside me?), {Follow their Twitter!}

And then, leave a comment (or two) telling me that you did so.

If you blog or tweet about this giveaway, you can leave a second comment telling me so, and double your chances to win.

The Giveaway will run for one week, until next Thursday (September 15th) at 11:59pm, and the winner will be announced on the following Friday.
Good Luck (and may all your babies sleep soundly)!

Click To Vote For Us @ Top Baby Blogs Directory!


Aubri said...

Liked on facebook! :-) I want to get this one...

Anonymous said...

Liked on Facebook! I LOVED sleep sacks for Braden, would love to try this with baby #2 whenever that is!

Anonymous said...

Followed on Twitter, but your link doesn't work to their Twitter page, it goes to their FB page.

Anonymous said...

Tweeted about your giveaway @hellonurse182

Amanda said...

Liked on facebook. Hope I win one!

Unknown said...

Liked on fb! I would love to win one!!

Kimmy said...

I liked them on Facebook

Kimmy said...

I followed them on Twitter!

The Sims II said...

I blogged about this giveaway!! Love us some wearable blankets!!

Etosia (e-tasha) said...

i "liked" them on facebook! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Karen said...

I liked them on facebook. Yes this is my first time participating in one of your giveaways, and yes I read your blog pretty much everyday.

DaniGirl said...

Liked, added and tweeted about. I LOVE this idea! I had never heard about it until now! I'm getting one either way. I only wish they had one for me and my cold feet!

Laura said...

I liked them on facebook. This looks like a great sleep sack!

Ashley said...

I liked them on facebook! My friend loves sleep sacks and has been recommending them to me ever since we found out I was pregnant.

alyssa said...

i likey them on facebook! my babe desperately needs one. he's starting to bust out of his swaddler.

Sarah said...

I liked them on Facebook, yeehaw!

Jena said...

I liked them, I would love to have this for my new little babe! Only 8 weeks til she gets here, wahoo!

hayley said...

liked and followed! i would love this for my baby girl who just started rolling over!

CnJ said...

Like on facebook!

Kristin said...

Liked on Facebook - at gmail

Kristin said...

following on twitter! at gmail

Anonymous said...

like them on facebook

lifesemicrunchy at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

follow on twitter @lifesemicrunchy

lifesemicrunchy at gmail dot com