But we took the boys to the cemetery to visit their great grandpa's headstone. They loved being with their grandparents and aunt Noelle and uncle Tate, and they loved running around and looking at the pinwheels, flowers, and especially flags.
I love my sister in law! We went to see Pentatonix that night and had so much fun! I love having three more sisters. It's one of the nicest things about being married to Travis. (Besides, of course, being married to Travis!)
Don't we all look so patriotic? Red, white, and blue! And those boys love their grandma, they've even been known to say "Grandma" on occasion, which I think is something to brag about!
Those boys sure love their uncle Tate and grandpa Dave!
Happy (belated) Memorial Day! What are your traditions?
And please click to vote! Let's move BabyMaking back up the polls!
We had lots of fun that day too and we LOOOOVE them also! Thanks for joining us. That is a really good family pic of your little family amongst the flags.
Mom was telling me about what an awesome day you had. Looks like a fun day! Wish we could have joined in on the fun and lovely weather. At least you have one sister in law close!
I LOVE pentatonix! How did you see them?!?!
Did they say grandma or "nene"
Ummm... Memorial Day is not supposed to be a "happy" day. It's a day for honoring VETERANS who have died in service for our country. Please take it seriously or don't bother observing it at all.
No better way to spend Memorial Day than being happy and remembering with your family & friends. Of course, it never hurts to involve food. You guys are all cute. Love you Becky.
As an army wife, I'm probably more sensitive about this topic then most people, but I found this post to be disrespectful. For starters, you didn't even mention veterans which is the whole purpose of the day. I don't see how you can "do the whole Memeorial Day thing" without even thinking about/appreciating/writing about veterans who have died for our country. Memorial day is a very sad and sacred day for military families, many of who have recently lost loved ones in a war that is still going on. My husband just returned from a deployment in Afghanistan where he did lose close friends and I think that most military families would agree that your post totally missed the point. To use this day as a photo op to take pictures of your family running around, smiling and playing in a CEMETARY is just insensitive. Even if you think all the flags are "cute"... save it for the 4th of July. I think it's rude to play, take pictures and not even mention veternas in a Memorial Day post. Sorry if I sound judgmental, but you are super judgemental in a lot of your posts.
I'm sorry that this post was hurtful to you. I do actually have many family members who have served or are currently serving in the military - though thankfully, no one close to me has died - so you're right. We treated it more as a second Independence Day. We were at the cemetery to visit the headstone of Travis' grandfather - who was a Veteran, while remembering all the friends and family we still have with us, and enjoying and discussing the liberties we have in this country, thanks to those who serve in the Military. We probably weren't appropriately sad, but I don't think that we should be sad. (Although I did cry for a little while, looking at all the crosses- Travis can attest to that.)
We were certainly celebrating those men and women who served and loved our country - not mourning them, although it's easier if we don't know anyone personally who has died -- like you do. Your husband is a brave man for serving and people all over the country are grateful to him for his service, and I send my appreciation through the wires. But I hope that you won't be too offended, unless I have a really bad day - I usually keep things pretty light on the blog, and frankly - I do still disagree. It's hard to be too sad, mourning people that we don't know - so the second best way to spend Memorial day is with the family you do have, enjoying our beautiful free country.
They played in Orem! I didn't even know who they were, but I got to use a ticket when someone cancelled, and they were AMAZING!
It sounds like "Anma."
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