But that being said, here in the Pitcher house we have resolved to try to better ourselves.
So whatever. Maybe it's all the inspirational New Years pins that are flooding Pinterest? Maybe it's because I've been rereading {Conference Talks} from October and feeling the desire to do and be better.
Whatever the case, we have some family goals - so I made this little poster to hang up in our house. Considering the fact that I'm not a designer, nor do I understand any software besides Photoshop - I'm pretty pleased with how cute this is.
(Obviously the boys came up with their goals themselves. Bottle free and less TV?)
Do you love it? Do you WANT it?
Tah-dah! I have uploaded the file for you to download! {JUST CLICK HERE!}
It's a .psd, which means that you'll need Photoshop to view or edit it. But it's entirely customizable. You can change the names, goals, the quote, colors, fonts. You could even completely delete everything and just use those little banners for something else.
If you're interested in editing the words (and obviously you are, or your resolution board would say my family's names) and you want to keep the same fonts, you'll probably have to download the fonts. Don't worry, they're also free. And they're some of my favorite fonts.
Here are the links to {INTRO} (the font our names and "Pray Daily" etc is written in)
{ARSENAL WHITE} (the font our goals are written in)
And {INDY PIMP} (the font the scripture is written in).
A note: Okay, for anyone wondering what "FHE" stands for: "Family Home Evening." It's a Mormon term for family night. We're encouraged to spend at least one night a week - at home, together. Traditionally, it includes a mini "lesson" like talking about how to serve others, or be kind to your siblings, some delicious treat, and then playing games or something. Also, it's hard because our boys are so little that we really are just home every evening anyway. So we're trying to make it more of a "thing." We eat treats, play a game, etc. Any tips for FHE with toddlers?
I am going to follow these comments closely, because we are similarly puzzled about how to make a family night special when you are dealing with population that has only a tenuous grasp on the concept of time (and therefore doesn't look forward to anything) and is thrown into paroxysms of joy from reading the same book forty times in one day.
Our little guy is the same age as your kiddos, and we just started using the nursery manual for our fhe lessons. They're already planned out for you on their level. And if you have to prep anything, it's like coloring a picture. And the lesson is over right about when he starts getting bored. Then we usually have a tickle fight or play ring around the rosies for our activity and eat popcorn or something. All in all, it lasts like 10 minutes tops, but I think it still makes us feel closer as a family. And this way we still all enjoy it.
Thank you very much for taking some time from your busy life and create something so nice and helpful to others. I only speak Spanish and use a translator to tell him.
We are using your template for 2015--- great! I feel kindred to anyone with lots of boys--- we had 3(like you) and then added a girl and another boy--- I was in survival mode during my three boys toddler years---(3 boys in 3 years)--- it just keeps getting better!:)
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