August is two weeks old. To celebrate, I replaced all the NB clothes in his drawer with 0-3 month clothes. This is a big boy. Or at least, he seems very big compared to his tiny brothers.
August is still pretty much perfect. He nurses like a champ, he sleeps when he's supposed to, and he never cries - unless you're doing something really evil to him, like changing his diaper. But even then, he just squalls for a second and then is calm.
I'm beginning to wonder what kind of creature I have on my hands. Can he be a little human boy? He nurses like a mountain lion, with quite a bit of snarling, growling, and gnawing at the breast.
He sleeps like a puppy, with whimpers and sighs as he dreams- humming constantly.
And the few hours that he spends awake, he spends quietly. His eyes are open wide, observing us, usually with a puzzled and worried expression on his face.
Having only one baby at a time is pretty much a piece of cake.
I know I shouldn't say that, right? Because as soon as you say things like that- every thing gets hard.
Yes, I'm still extremely exhausted, and my head hurts pretty constantly from lack of sleep- but if that's all I have to complain about, then why bother complaining? This cute baby sure makes up for any inconvenience.

And even though I had a difficult recovery, and couldn't stand or walk for about a week without the danger of blacking out (anemia is to blame) and my body is still sore- it's so much better than recovering from a c-section! I walked around the block with my boys the other day! I may run to the store later this afternoon! I'm not still driving back and forth from the hospital to see my little NICU babies. I am at home, getting rest, watching kids' movies, and eating all my food with extra peanut butter on top.

The boys love August, of course. I'm grateful for that, because I know people who have brought home new babies only to have them tortured and despised by the older siblings.
But Grey and Micah both request to hold and see August constantly. They are gentle and protective, and become extremely worried anytime he makes a peep.
Anytime they return home from playing outside or running errands with daddy, they immediately run into our room to check on August.

The other day, Micah sat with August in his lap and they just stared at each other- the entire time, Micah was whispering "Look, Mom! He loves me! August loves me and I love August! I love you little August and you love me back!"
I mean.
Does it get better than that?

If you follow my Instagram (@rebeccah.louise) or are my friend on Facebook, you're probably already sick of all these pictures of my new little man. But I'm not sick of them yet.
That picture of August by himself on the red background has such a cute face! I'm so glad you're having an easier time this time around.
Never sick of the pictures. They are a delight!
oh my goodness, what a little sweetheart! i LOVE his name!
Those expressions! What a cutie - he's a character already! It's making me nostalgic for that newborn phase, and my boy is only four months old!
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