My sister drew these invites! Aren't they darling?
I think I want to hang them up in the babies' room. (Which, by the way, is finally coming together)

It was so much fun and so colorful, and I got some really amazing and really cute gifts.
I got to see lots of friends from far away and we even got a package the morning of from JAPAN from my sister Lisa, which was perfect timing.
There was tons of food left over, especially candy, which was all generously left with me.
Everything was super bright and colorful, even the beverages (though I didn't really drink any because pop makes my babies kick like mad!)
See the Dr. Seuss baby blankets we're using for decoration? My talented grandma made them for the boys and they were a perfect decoration. I can't wait to snuggle the twins up in them!

This is my sister Mary and I. Mary planned and organized this whole party from out of state and then drove down to throw it!
She was fantastic!
Look at my bounty! I think I might do another post tomorrow (or later this week...) and show off all the homemade gifts I got. I can't help that they're my favorite. Although I do really like baby clothes as well...
And baby books...
and baby everything...
There were lots of babies very willing to help me unwrap my gifts.
And they were also happy to play with any toys and books I received (especially the rubber duckie!)
Look closely at the picture above and the picture below.
Do you see any other twins?
Yes! They're Brittany's little girls, who my family promptly tried to steal.
Can you blame them?
I just want to thank again everyone who came, but especially everyone who helped! Because my sister was coming in from out of town a lot of friends and family took on assignments to bring food, help decorate, even come beforehand and clean my house!
You guys are amazing and I felt so much love for me and for the boys!
Looks like fun! Good job Mary.
I would like you to look at how pale my arm is. Right now go look.
I'm very sad that I am not in any of these photos. Boo! It was so fun though. I'm very happy for you.
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