I mean, always. One or the other has ear infections every single week. Okay, since summer started, the ear infections have been knocked down to only one every month or so, but still. We can't afford to go to the doctor every month and pick up antibiotics for both boys again.
We do have insurance, if you're wondering, but we have such a high deductible, that pretty much nothing is covered.
Including ear tubes. Ear tubes would be about 7,000$ out of pocket PER BABY.
And they might not even work, or worse, they might fall out in a few months and need to be replaced (another 7,000$, please). We've looked up alternative methods and chiropractic things, but the only chiro that we've talked to that I trust is up in Idaho... it just might be worth the four hour drive if he can help us avoid tubes...
Anyway, I'm stressed. Oops, when I told Travis that I was going to write a blog post about our stressed out money/insurance/health whatevers he said, "Well, don't go into too much detail."
Hmm. Is this too much?
We want to apply to get the boys on Medicaid or CHIP, since they would pay for ear tubes, but you can't apply for it unless you've been off of insurance for up to 90 days.
I'm way too scared to take them off, because what if something big happens?
Likewise, what if nothing happens at all, and we keep them on insurance for month and months and then winter comes and it's sick baby-hell at our house again? Then we will regret not having switched insurance!
Anyway, I'm mostly writing this post in case any of you have gone through similar experiences and can help me. Do you have any advice? I'm freaking out. Poor Micah. The ENT told us months and months ago, that he needed tubes as soon as possible.
We set up the appointment, and then we happened to ask how much it would cost... and we canceled the appointment.
Grr. Babies. Money. Insurance.
I would check into your states Medicaid program because most states will back date. I live in MO on the boarder of KS and both states will back date up to 90 days. So if you have to be off insurance for 90 days and something does happen during those 90 days Medicaid will back date the policy, as long as you have applied for backdating.
Well it's totally un-releated to the money issue your having.. but my baby had the same issue, and at approx. 5 months, he had tubes put into both ears, and at approx. 17 months had his aednoids removed. The tubes were immediate relief for him, and has in 17 MONTHS had 1 ear infection, and that was my fault because of my stupidity. (we went swimming in a kids pool and I just didn't bother with his ear plugs)! and In approx. 5 months have seen a HUGE change in his sinues, colds, runny nose, allergies, etc since the aednoids have been removed. I know 7 grand is bunches of money, but it certainly might be in your best interest.. is there like any assistance your state offers other than medicaid or something, like lowering medical bills for lower income perhaps?
I don't understand the "you need to be off insurance to apply" part. Lots of people on Medicaid have insurance and Medicaid pays for it because it is more cost effective for them to pay your current policy then to give you full Medicaid. You need to call and talk to them more and not base your decisions on what friends and the internet say. Get a person on the phone if you haven't already. I was worried last night that another ear ache was looming. Poor babies/big boys.
I think you just need to get the tubes. Trust the Lord to take care of the details, but it really sounds like they need it.
So sorry they are having to be sick and Mama has to worry. So hard.
Watson Chiropractic in Lehi. He does chiropratic and homeopathic medicine. Not only is he good, but he also doesn't even take insurance. It is a 35 dollar flat fee per person.
Or, Tisha Mecham in Sandy. She does homeopathic medicine as well. I trust her so much! She is really good at what she does.
I have had tubes 3 times in my life its worth it every penny. I suggest you look into gap insurance. We have it and it covers up to 10k per surgery or procedure. It ended up covering our second baby delievery deductable so we paid zero. The gap insurance costs us about 15 dollars extra a month and its so worth it. We use transmerica. If your babies ear drums break over and over they may lose some hearing my sister lost 60% on one side after multiple ear infections. Also I know people that got back dated for medicade also. No hospital can turn you away if you cant pay up front you would just have to worry about the actual Dr. Its a risk.
I have had tubes 3 times in my life its worth it every penny. I suggest you look into gap insurance. We have it and it covers up to 10k per surgery or procedure. It ended up covering our second baby delievery deductable so we paid zero. The gap insurance costs us about 15 dollars extra a month and its so worth it. We use transmerica. If your babies ear drums break over and over they may lose some hearing my sister lost 60% on one side after multiple ear infections. Also I know people that got back dated for medicade also. No hospital can turn you away if you cant pay up front you would just have to worry about the actual Dr. Its a risk.
Having a father who was an ENT surgeon, I know that they need the tubes. If they don't get them and keep with the ear infections, it could really lead to permanent hearing loss. You might look into something like Chip for health insurance! Good luck!
I'm so sorry about the money stuff, but I can tell you that tubes are miraculous. My daughter was JUST like your boys...constant ear infections, sickness after sickness. It was so exhausting for all of us. Then she got tubes and it was like she was a new kid. If any of the insurance options that other commenters have given really are an option, I really, REALLY recommend tubes.
Until then...one of my best friends is into more natural remedies and she did some sort of garlic and olive oil concoction in her daughters ear that she said gave immediate relief. I'm sure you could google it if interested. Good luck, I feel for ya!
Okay, here is what I have to say. Last year our family paid a quarter of my husband's gross annual salary to medical bills. A quarter! And we were on insurance. But--somehow Heavenly Father always made sure that we had the money we needed when we needed it. We're talking like within days of when we needed it. If you're doing all you can, He will provide the way. Just trust Him. He already knows how you can make it work. Just ask Him. He won't leave you hanging. You're his children, after all :)
My sister had the same problems with chronic ear infections when she was little, but she never had to put tubes in. My mom and Aunt used Garlic oil, put a few drops in their ears and some cotton from a cotton ball and it helps with the infection and everything. I had an ear infection last year and did this same thing and within hours I felt better.
Hey! We have had a lot of success with natural remedies. I got two kinds from good earth that provided instant relief! I also used essential oils. Sometimes recurrent ear infections are linked to dairy intolerances/allergies. Maybe research that and perhaps take dairy out for several weeks to see? Harder but cheaper. Best of luck...I know how frustrating it is!
I am a nurse here in California and our medi-cal program (it is medicaid we just call it medi-cal for some stupid reason) has provisions for emergencies. In other words if something major were to happen you would be covered and it would be retro'd back to the day of injury. It all depends on your income and assets. It sounds like you need to get with a case worker for medicaid in your state and get the real scoop because I don't know of ANY medicaid program that says you have to be without insurance for 90 days! that is silly. I have managed medicaid programs in nevada, colorado, west virginia, texas and california. They all have subtle differences but the basic qualifications are standard across the bored all depending on your income. Hope this helps...don't mean to ramble :)
get pay per click ads, like google ad sense on your blog asap, if you get 1000000 hits a month you can make 10,000 a month using a method called layering ads, check out infarrently creative blog and ask becky about it, she's really nice. Not much help with the medical part I know, but you have a great popular blog, USE IT! good luck.
I hope you can get it figured out. Ear infections are no fun. Out of 4 of my kids 3 have tubes. Like most have said, it was instant relief. Cadence was a new girl, it was wonderful. DJ got his tubes in when he was 10 months old, and they lasted over a year. He got his 2nd set last fall. My girls are fine now, that their tubes have fallen out (they each got 2 sets too). Anyways, we don`t have to pay for it here in Canada, so I can`t help with the money part, but I do know that tubes made a HUGE difference in our house. Good luck with it.
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