Friday, May 17, 2013

Happy Friday!

These two ridiculous children would like to wish you a happy weekend.

In case you're wondering what's happening in these extremely silly pictures:
The boys woke up early in the morning and put on their swimsuits. Without letting me comb their hair in any way, they ran outside and filled a bucket with water.
Micah then dunked the top of his head in the water and then patted it down.
So the top of his head is a soggy old man's combover and the back is a crazy rat's nest of bedhead.

They sat down together and started laughing and giggling.
"Can you make a goofy face?" I asked.
This glorious mess was my reward.

Oh, these goofy boys.
They are my favorite and my best.

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1 comment:

Nana B said...

I love that first one, it is now my screen saver. Only 1 more month and we will be there to actually see them. Can't wait, bringing our tent just as we did last year.